Episode 41

We begin this week's episode with BUCK and JUNE. JUNE is learning of BUCK's allegiance with MONA in her plot to get back at the AKAs.

BUCK - And that is how it went down. At first, I thought she was crazy and I wanted nothing to do with it. But then she offerred me some loot and...

JUNE - And you jumped at the chance huh? The chance to just dis me and the rest of my line sisters! For some money?

(JUNE starts to walk past BUCK and head for the door.)

BUCK - Wait wait! June listen to me. At first, yeah. I didn't know you but what difference did it make? I meet this chick who offers me some loot and I could also get back at Derrick a little. So big deal, I go into cohoots with Mona. But that was before I knew you and what kind of a person you are.

JUNE - What?

BUCK - No, I am serious. I think you are cool, real cool. I don't want to hurt you and that is why I am telling you the truth now. And this is the truth, I swear. After I got to know you a little, I wanted nothing more to do with Mona or her damn plans.

JUNE - And what about your stupid rivalry with Derrick?

BUCK - I mean, that can stay on the court. That is some basketball shit. Everybody knows Derrick got game and no matter how much trash I talk, I can't break his concentration.

JUNE - So this had all to do with Mona?

BUCK - Yeah, but now it doesn't. It has nothing more to do with her and all to do with me and you. Like I said, I am sorry for the way we started and I am sorry that you found out the way that you did. But if you would just give me a chance, I can make it up to you. If we could just start over, I will make you see that I really do like you and want to make you happy.


BUCK - So what do you say?

JUNE - I say, get out of my way and let me out.

(BUCk stands aside and JUNE goes for the door.)

BUCK - June, I am sorry. I promise you I am really sorry. Please give me another chance.

JUNE - Good bye Buck.

(JUNE walks out the door.)

JUNE thinks - I have been way to easy on Mona! I have given her the benefit of the doubt from day one! But this is way too much! I have got to do something about her!

(While in BUCK's room...)

BUCK thinks - Dammit!

(BUCK picks up the phone.)

BUCK thinks - Damn! Damn!

(BUCK dials.)

MONA - Hello.

BUCK - Hey you! Listen, leave me out of your crazy stunts from now on okay? I knew I shouldn't have hooked up with your crazy ass in the first place!

MONA - What? What are you talking about?

BUCK - I am talking about you and your crazy notion to get back at all the AKAs. Leave me out of that shit! It is becuase of you that I lost a good friend in June and now she wants nothing more to do with me!

MONA - Consider yourself lucky Buck. I just did you a favor.

BUCK - What?

MONA - Didn't I tell you that June gave Derrick an std? That is why he broke up with her! If you had hit that, you would have been in the Amgis clinic the next morning mad about it!

(JUNE arrives at the dorm.)

JUNE - This shit is ridiculous with Mona. Lord please don't let me kill this girl.

(JUNE knocks on the door. The door opens.)

DERRICK - June? What are you...

JUNE - Can I come in Derrick? I really would like to talk.


We join OCTAVIA who has just arrived at the Alpha house where DONTE lives.


DONTE - What's up baby.

(They hug and kiss.)

OCTAVIA - How you feeling?

DONTE - I'm alright, how are you hon?

OCTAVIA - Cool but tired.

DONTE - Girl what you tired from?

OCTAVIA - Just drama. Some more stuff with Mona.

DONTE - Ha ha ha ha ha, welcome to greek life.

OCTAVIA - Shut up boy, I know it aint no utopia.

DONTE - You got that right!

OCTAVIA - But anyway. What you got to drink up in here?

DONTE - Hold on, I will get you something. Sprite is okay?

OCTAVIA - Yeah that is cool babe. Thanks.

(DONTE leaves the room. OCTAVIA gets up and looks around at some of the pictures and paddles on the walls.)

OCTAVIA thinks - This negro is Alpha Phi Alpha down! Good grief!

(DONTE comes back.)

OCTAVIA - You think you got enough para in here? Gosh!

DONTE - Actually, there is a small spot empty on that wall right over there. I am trying to find just the right piece to hang up.

OCTAVIA - You need to stop! But seriously, don't you think this is a bit much?

DONTE - This is the frat house. Of course it is supposed to be decked out with letters and shit.

OCTAVIA - No, this is your house. And you let frat use it as a party place. But it aint no official frat house.

DONTE - This has been the frat house for years. What are you talking about?

OCTAVIA - This has been the frat house since you crossed. Now granted, that was years ago, but this is not a sanctioned frat house by your chapter.

DONTE - Well do you have a problem with me letting brothers use my crib as a frat house?

OCTAVIA - No. You can do whatever you want with your house. That is certainly not my issue.

DONTE - But you do have an issue?

OCTAVIA - Well honestly Donte I am concerned. I mean, I think that you are way too caught up in the frat. You know?

DONTE - Huh? What do you mean?

OCTAVIA - I mean you are too caught up. It is too much a part of you.

DONTE - Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute. What are you talking about? I am no more caught up in the frat than you are in your sorority.

OCTAVIA - That is not true. The difference between me and you is the fact that I know how to prioritize.

DONTE - And I don't?

OCTAVIA - Donte, how many nights were you with the line that just crossed? Every night they were on line weren't you?

DONTE - I mean, niggas gotta pledge. That shit is important.

OCTAVIA - It was important when Bobby pledged. It was important when Nino pledged. It was important when Wil and Trey pledged. But now, they can handle that. You should have been concerned with graduating. It shouldn't be your responsibility when you have younger bros in the chapter. It becomes their responsibility, their priority and important to them.

DONTE - Like you didn't get down with PJ and them?

OCTAVIA - Donte, I pledged last year!


OCTAVIA - So? That is different! I won't be pledging girls ten years from now, I will be a doctor somewhere and confident that the younger sorors will be able to take care of that.

DONTE - Well what if you weren't confident that they could handle it? Maybe I wasn't confident enough in Bobby and Reggie and them.

OCTAVIA - Then that is a problem that the chapter will have to work out. But I cannot put my life on hold to check on some college students when I am gone from this place. Call me if you need some advice, but soror I got work to do.


OCTAVIA - Plus, you knew good and well that Reggie was a good choice for dean and that Bobby has been handling business for this chapter forever. You didn't even have to worry about that. They could've easily done the stuff with the line without you. But your priorities were not in order and now it leaves you in the worse predicament.


OCTAVIA - You are not gonna graduate Donte. Isn't that important to you?

(DONTE turns and walks away.)

OCTAVIA - Don't walk away from me. Isn't that important? That is your problem, instead of facing situations, you run.

(DONTE turns back around but doesn't say anything.)

OCTAVIA - Is it important to you to graduate Donte?

DONTE - Yes.

OCTAVIA - Well what are you gonna do about it?

DONTE - What am I gonna do about it? There is nothing I can do about it. I just gotta do what I gotta do.

OCTAVIA - When? Next year? Donte, you need to be up in your proffessor's office. You need to be talking to the dean of the department. You need to be writing letters or something. You are so close yet you don't have the urgency to get there. You can walk this year, you just have some work to do.

DONTE - It isn't that simple and you know it.

OCTAVIA - Even if it is hard, you can't sit around here and do nothing. What are you gonna do? Step for the rest of your life man? Come on!

DONTE - Look, I am going to handle my business alright?


DONTE - In my own time, in my own way.


OCTAVIA - Well if that is your attitude, then you are going to handle your business without me. I cannot be with a man with no ambition. I am sorry Donte but I am out.


We rejoin SHAREESA who is in the student newspaper office, The Sands, with XAVIER.

SHAREESA - Ooh, you should put an announcement for the skeephi party in New Orleans this summer!

XAVIER - What?

SHAREESA - I saw it in the chat room. Put an announcement in there!

XAVIER - Heck no!

SHAREESA - Pleeeeeeeeease?

(SHAREESA kisses XAVIER's cheek.)

SHAREESA - You wouldn't do that for me?

XAVIER - I would post the Alpha Kappa Alpha Psi party in here! Ha ha ha ha!

SHAREESA - Awww come on Z. Put it in there.

(SHAREESA talks with a baby voice and kisses XAVIER on the cheek again.)

XAVIER - No way!

(SHAREESA kisses XAVIER's ear.)

SHAREESA whispers - I won't tell anybody that a Kappa put a skeephi ad in there. I promise.

XAVIER - Nope.

(SHAREESA kisses XAVIER's neck and ear.)

SHAREESA whispers - I won't tell a soul.

(XAVIER turns in his chair toward SHAREESA and they begin to kiss. First their lips meet a few times. Simple pecks. SHAREESA then parts her lips and turns her head as she fully kisses XAVIER.)

XAVIER thinks - What are we doing?

(They stop.)

XAVIER - Shareesa, what are we doing?

SHAREESA - I don't know.

(They stare at each other.)

XAVIER - I know we shouldn't be...

SHAREESA - ...doing this but...

(They peck each other again.)

XAVIER thinks - Oh my God, what am I doing?

(XAVIER stops and stands up.)

XAVIER - Wait Shareesa, what are we doing for real?

SHAREESA - We just kissed.

XAVIER - I know what we did literally. But what are we doing?


SHAREESA - I don't know. I just felt something here.

XAVIER - What did you feel?

SHAREESA - I don't know. Something that I have not felt in a very long time.

(XAVIER sits back down after he pulls up a chair for SHAREESA.)

SHAREESA - I am sorry if I offended...

XAVIER - No, you didn't offend me at all. It is just scary.

SHAREESA - Kissing me is scary?

(XAVIER laughs.)

XAVIER - No, not like that. What I mean is...

SHAREESA - Yeah, you better fix that one!

XAVIER - What I mean is, it is scary that I think I felt something too.

SHAREESA thinks - Oh damn.

SHAREESA - Well what exactly did you feel?


XAVIER - Well...it's just that I am not seeing anyone because I am tired of all the games. I try and meet nice people and all they want to do is be immature and play games. I don't have time for that. Then they complain about how they can't find a good man but when I tell them that there will be no sex going on, they bounce.

SHAREESA - I understand totally. I have been in a relationship that I knew for a long time was going nowhere. Like driving down a dead end street. But I was so caught up, I never would admit it to myself. I am tired of liars and games too.

XAVIER - I just want to be with someone sincere. Ya know? Someone who is honest and serious about being right.


XAVIER - And most of all, someone that can respect my walk with Christ.

SHAREESA - I understand. I want the same thing. Just no more foolishness.


XAVIER - The reason that this is all scary is because I felt that peace when you came in here tonight.


XAVIER - And I am not supposed to feel that with you.

SHAREESA - I sincerely want a change Xavier. I am just as tired as you are. You are a good man, an honorable man. I know you have a good heart. I know what this situation is. And I know that I am not supposed to have feelings for someone like you...well not someone like you but moreso because you are a Kappa.

XAVIER - Yeah.

SHAREESA - I know what ramifications this kind of thing can cause. I know how I felt about PJ when I found out about her and Gregg, and she wasn't even a soror then.

XAVIER - Really?

SHAREESA - Yeah. And I don't know if you know this but Quinton is now dating Bobby's ex-girlfriend.

XAVIER - What? Quinton is that new Alpha right? I remember him from when he did a few columns here at the sands.

SHAREESA - Yeah, that's him.

XAVIER - So he is going with his frat brother's ex?


XAVIER - Did it cause beef between them?

SHAREESA - I dont know.


XAVIER - So we are saying that this is not a good thing for us to pursue...right?

SHAREESA - Yeah, maybe we are saying that.

XAVIER - It would probably be for the best. You know.


(XAVIER stands up, SHAREESA does also.)

SHAREESA - Well, I just want to say, thank you for being the man that you are. There are some good men out there, and you are one of them.

XAVIER - Thanks Shareesa.

(They hug.)

XAVIER - I really appreciate that, more than you know.

(They are still hugging.)

SHAREESA - It is the truth.

(As they let go, they come in to kiss each other again.)

SHAREESA thinks - Oh God, why is this happening?

(They kiss.)

XAVIER thinks - Oh God, why is this happening?

(They stop and hug again. They then let go of each other and back up. At that moment, GREGG and APRIL walk in.)

GREGG - What's up Z...oh uh...hey Reece. I didn't know you were...what are you doing here?

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