Episode 21

The AKA's are just leaving the Ahpla Homecoming step show without their

SYLVIA - Sorors, calm down. I will definitely get to the bottom of this.

PJ - Get to the bottom of what? We all know what is happening here! We know
where the trophy is! I don't see why we just don't go get it!

SYLVIA - What if we are wrong and we show up ready to kick some ass? Do you
want Soror Bergen on us again?


SYLVIA - Do you?

PJ - No.

MAX - The bottom line is, we did a good show. We didn't come in first place,
but we did a hell of a good show. Everyone knows that and more importantly,
we know it.

APRIL - Yeah. Everyone saw that Mona stepped by herself and that she is not
with us.

JUNE - And they know we got second place, and not her.

MAX - So the trophy is a material representation of what we already know.
That we are the bomb!

PJ - I still want the trophy!

MAX - I do too. And we will get it. Don't worry about that.

KATRICE - So what are yall getting ready to do?

PJ - I'm going home. My back is hurting.

APRIL - I hear that. I think I am heading home too.

SYLVIA - Aight ladies. I guess I will catch up with all of you later on.

PJ - Ok.

SYLVIA - Hey, great job on the show. Next year, we will take first place.

(All the AKA's hug and start to go their separate ways.)

APRIL - So what do you have planned for the evening?

KATRICE - Oh uh nothing much.

APRIL - You going to your room?


APRIL - Really? I think that my back is hurting too.


APRIL -I said, I think my back is hurting too.

KATRICE - I heard you um I really have a headache. Ok?

APRIL - A headache?

HAYDEN - Ok Miri, I will talk to you next week when I come back through.

MIRI - That is fine. I have all that information that you asked for also.

HAYDEN - Ok. Take care.

(HAYDEN leaves MIRI.)

MIRI - Well hello there.

(GINA turns around.)

GINA - Hi Miri.
MIRI - How have you been?
GINA - Fine and you?
MIRI - Making it. Your sorors did a really good show.
GINA - So did your girlfriend.
MIRI - Oh uh yeah.


MIRI - So why didn't you step?
GINA - Stepping really isn't my thing. Ya know?
MIRI - Yeah. So what is your thing?
GINA - I am good at other stuff.
MIRI - Like poetry?
GINA - Huh?
MIRI - That was a really good poem that you did in Pharoah's that night.
GINA - Oh that? Oh that was nothing. And it was so long ago, I almost forgot

MIRI - Look Gina, I wanted to apologize for that. I never got a chance to
talk to you again after that.
GINA - Don't mention it.
MIRI - No really. I didn't mean to put you out there like that and I am
really sorry.
GINA - Ok.


MIRI - You sound like you don't believe me?
GINA - I believe you Miri.
MIRI - So why do you sound so unenthused?
GINA - Because Miri, you have apologized to me for things before. Over and
over again. And what has it all meant? Nothing. And what difference does it
make now anyway?

MIRI - It makes a big difference to me. I have been walking around with this
on my chest for a long time.
GINA - So you repent and that makes everything ok?
MIRI - Yeah.
GINA - No it doesn't. That makes everything ok for Miri. But what about the
people that you hurt when you say things or do things without thinking? You
hurt me. You hurt me bad. You hid behind your talent and used that to make me
sound like some common ho. After what I thought you and I shared was special.

MIRI - It was special Gina. It really was. I don't let just anyone get that
close to me. You know how personal I am. I won't just let any girl get so
close to the real me.

GINA - You sure let my soror Mona get close!


MONA has left the step show with JAHANNA and the second place trophy. They
have gone to MONA's house to discuss JAHANNA's interest in Alpha Kappa Alpha.

JAHANNA - Wow, I really like what you have done with your room!
MONA - Thanks! Here, let me show you a few things.

(MONA points to a picture on the wall.)

MONA - This is my mother. She is a soror and she is a charter member of the
chapter here at Ahpla.
JAHANNA - Really?
MONA - Yep.
MONA - And see this is a picture of my line sisters doing their greetings on
the yard. I was sick that day but I heard they represented nicely for me.
JAHANNA - They did! I was there!
MONA - This is Miri. My boyfriend.
MONA - Thanks!

(MONA and JAHANNA sit down.)

JAHANNA - I really envy you Mona. You and the rest of the members of Alpha
Kappa Alpha. I mean, yall have it so together.

MONA - Thanks, but this is your first lesson Jahanna. Don't be fooled girl.
JAHANNA - What do you mean?

(JAHANNA listens attentively.)

MONA - Look. I am going to keep it very real for you. Probably the realest
you will ever hear it.
JAHANNA - I'm listening.
MONA - AKA is probably the greatest thing I have ever done in my life. But
believe me, it is no utopia.
JAHANNA - Really?
MONA - I would definitely do it all over again, no question. But people
pledge these organizations thinking that they are paradise and that isn't
reality. The truth is, sorors argue. Frat members fight each other in
meetings. And sometimes, sad to say, positive things don't get accomplished
because of silly bickering.
JAHANNA - I would have never thought that. It always looks so perfect.
MONA - Well of course, from the side of the fence that you are on. That is
the same way that it looked to me last year.
JAHANNA - Well why is it that way?
MONA - I don't really know. But you have to understand that sororities are a
group of women. A large group. We are not always going to agree or be on the
same page of music.
JAHANNA - That makes sense.
MONA - Me however, I always keep it real. For example. Remember the steps
that I did in the step show?
JAHANNA - Do I? Sure I do! I remember them all.
MONA - Well remember the one that I did and I mentioned the other sororities?
JAHANNA - Uh huh.
MONA - Well most people would call me crazy for bigging up another sorority.
But we all have rich legacies. Zeta, SGRho and especially Delta. So why not
big them up. I can give credit and respect where it is due.
JAHANNA - Yeah, I see your point.
MONA - But because women can be so catty at times, they would never agree to
doing something like that. I couldn't get sorors to see that vision. Even
after I explained to some of them the rich dynamic history of Delta Sigma
JAHANNA - And they still wouldn't go for it.
MONA - Nope.
JAHANNA - Wow. I see where that can cause arguments.
MONA - But we cannot use our organizations to tear us apart as a people. Ya
know? We already have so much divisiveness. So I can't be cool with Willie
just because she pledged another organization? That is stupid. I can't
respect her founders? I can't admire the legacy that Delta women have laid
for women all over the world?
JAHANNA - I see.
MONA - If you speak to any AKA here at Ahpla, they would totally disagree.
JAHANNA - I would imagine.
MONA - So I say all that to say, you have to be very careful in formulating
your opinions and making your decisions. Don't let anyone persuade you to
think a certain way or accept something that you don't feel in your heart is
MONA - Even if they are AKA's.

CARYN has just opened her door and much to her surprise, TRINA is standing

TRINA - I need to talk to you right now!
CARYN thinks - Oh brother!
CARYN - What are you so upset about?
TRINA - What am I so upset about?

(TRINA pushes past CARYN forcefully.)

TRINA - I'll tell you why I'm fuckin' upset! I go to Bobby's house earlier
and what does he do? He breaks up with me! I'm hurt, pissed and dejected but
then who the hell do I see sitting with Bobby at the step show? But your ass!

(DERRICK turns around.)

DERRICK thinks - Huh?
CARYN - Trina, I can explain that
TRINA - Shut up! I am tired of your lies Caryn! You don't give a damn about
anybody but yourself!

DERRICK - What the hell are you screaming about?

(DERRICK stands up. Nobody pays him any attention.)

TRINA - You know that I love Bobby and you know all the bullshit that I have
gone through to finally get him! And you still can't keep your damn claws to
yourself can you?

DERRICK - Bobby? What the hell is she talking about Caryn?

(CARYN looks at DERRICK but doesn't answer.)

CARYN - Trina, if you just give me a second, I can explain
TRINA - Hell no! I know you Caryn and all you will do is think of some
bullshit excuse to get your ass off the hook again!

CARYN thinks - Damn, she knows me well!
DERRICK - You were with Bobby at the step show?
TRINA - I got a good mind to kick your ass right now!

(TRINA pushes CARYN hard.)

DERRICK - Hey wait a minute!

(DERRICK jumps in and grabs TRINA.)

DERRICK - What the hell is the matter with you Trina? Can't you see that
Caryn is pregnant? Aint nobody pushing my girl who is carrying my baby!

TRINA - I should kick your what did you just say?
DERRICK - I said that you aint kicking nobody's ass! You aint hurting my girl
or my baby!

(TRINA smiles.)

TRINA - Oh yeah! Well I got news for you Mr. Daddy!
CARYN thinks - Oh no!
CARYN - Trina don't!
TRINA - You're not even the father of Caryn's baby you idiot! Bobby is!



(DERRICK slowly turns around and looks at CARYN.)

TRINA - That's right Daddy Derrick! That kid that you're so proud of and
trying to protect aint yours! Caryn has been lying to you from the start! Ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

(DERRICK slowly lets go of TRINA and fully faces CARYN.)

DERRICK - Is this true?
TRINA - Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Lie your way out of this one Caryn!

(CARYN starts to back away. DERRICK is visibly getting angry.)

DERRICK - Is this true!
TRINA - Now can I kick her ass?

(TRINA tries to get around DERRICK and get to CARYN. DERRICK grabs a lamp and
throws it. It crashes against the wall and everyone stops.)

DERRICK - Who's baby is it!
CARYN - Oh my God!


DERRICK - Well? What's the answer!
CARYN - My answer is


CARYN - My answer is that my water just broke!

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